Grix, Jonathan

Demystifying Postgraduate Research : From MA to PhD / J. Grix - Birmingham The University of Birmingham Press 2001 - 168 páginas

List of figures --
Preface --
Introduction --
The structure of the book --
1 The nature of doctoral research --
Introduction --
The nature of the doctoral process --
Applying to funding bodies --
Between contributing to knowledge and gaining qualifications --
The right place to study --
Matters of time --
Your choice of subject --
Before you start --
Referencing and other tips --
Professional associations --
Summary --
Further reading --
Addendum: books on research and doctoral studies --
2 The 'nuts and bolts' of research --
Introduction --
The tools and terminology of research. Ontology --
Epistemology --
Differing ontological and epistemological views --
Key concepts in research --
Methods --
Concepts --
The abuse of concepts --
Disciplines, discourses and interdisciplinarity --
'Interdisciplinarity' or 'post-disciplinarity' --
Summary --
Further reading --
3 Getting started --
Introduction --
Getting started --
The literature review, research questions and hypotheses --
The initial 'dip' (stage 1) --
'Second' literature review, research questions and hypotheses (stage 2) --
Full-scale critical literature review (stage 3) --
Levels and units of analysis in research. Deciding on levels and units of analysis --
Types of study --
Comparative studies --
Summary --
Further reading --
4 Methods, fieldwork and stages of research --
Introduction --
Methods: different types of enquiry --
Interview technique --
Questionnaire or survey technique --
The observation technique --
Documentary analysis --
Triangulation: mixing methods and data --
Method and data triangulation --
Fieldwork --
Categorising data --
Stages of the research process --
The story so far --
The stages of doctoral research --
Summary --
Further reading. 5 Supervision, the viva and other matters of importance --
Introduction --
Supervisors and supervisions --
Stages of the supervision process --
Supervision training and joint supervisions --
The viva --
The actors involved in, and the substance of, the viva --
The process of writing a thesis --
Drafting and redrafting --
Papers --
Writing strategies --
Structure --
Publication: working papers, journals and books --
Working papers and journals --
Books --
Ethics and plagiarism in research --
Ethics --
Plagiarism --
Training and dissemination --
Postgraduate research training. Seminars, conferences and workshops --
The utility of a PhD --
Timekeeping skills --
Communication skills --
Teamwork and networking skills --
IT skills --
Teaching --
Summary --
Further reading --
Appendix 1: Glossary of research terms --
Appendix 2: Examples of reference systems --
Bibliography --
Index --

The first complete introduction to the new model of social science and humanities postgraduate research. Based on the leading current course of postgraduate research training, a programme that will become the norm for postgraduate research over the next two or three years. Designed as a set text for '3 plus 1' and similar programmes * The key tools and terminology of research * What to do before beginning the project * Funding * All about the student-supervisor relationship * The viva examination * The process of writing a thesis *


Investigación académica Metodología de la investigación Estudios de maestría Trabajos de investigación y tesis